Fulfill phlebotomy CE requirements
LabCE's online courses provide CEU for phlebotomist certification maintenance and state phlebotomy license renewal requirements.
ASCLS P.A.C.E.®-approved continuing education
LabCE provides approved online courses for lab professionals, including phlebotomists. View available courses
Meets Florida Specific Requirements
Includes access to Florida-specific courses that you'll need to renew your license, including HIV Safety, Laws and Rules of the Florida Board, and Medical Error Prevention.
Straightforward pricing
One affordable price ($59/year) includes access to LabCE's phlebotomy CE package (32.5 hours of phlebotomy CE). No extra charges for reading material, exams, or certificates. Need more courses? LabCE offers 185 courses (over 229 CE hours) for all laboratory professionals, including phlebotomists.
Online or print courses
Take LabCE courses online, or print courses for home study. No waiting, faxing, or mailing. Use any Internet-connected computer - start at work, finish from home. Complete post-tests online and get your CE certificates instantly.
CE for phlebotomy license renewal
These courses are designed so that you can meet requirements to renew your existing phlebotomist license or phlebotomy certification. They aren't a replacement for a university program that will train you to become a phlebotomist. If you are not a phlebotomist but want to become one, search for a program here.
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