Phase III: Forecast - Preparing the Final Budget

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Phase III: Forecast - Preparing the Final Budget

The forecasting process includes the preparation of the final budget.
The following process will help when preparing a budget for the laboratory workplace3:
  1. Review previous budget assumptions (modify if needed, and then review them one more time)
  2. Identify any bottlenecks (potential delays due to any number of reasons, as well as proposed ideas to manage these risks)
  3. Predict all available revenue
  4. Determine step costs (any expense that changes based on activity level, usually related to growth expenses - eg, additional employees, a new building)
  5. Review the budget with management before the formal release
  6. Create and release the formal budget packet (to include all recent changes, potential bottleneck solutions, and step costing information)
3. Indeed Editorial Team. How to prepare a budget for an organization: 6 steps. Updated March 3, 2023. Accessed July 24, 2023. How To Prepare a Budget for an Organization: 6 Steps |