Well-Rounded, Standard H&E - Modified Progressive Protocol

The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Troubleshooting Guidance for Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Stain. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Troubleshooting Guidance for Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Stain (online CE course)
Well-Rounded, Standard H&E - Modified Progressive Protocol

Just like the regressive stain, it is preferred to start off with a basic protocol that is fairly easy to adapt to pathologists' preferences.
Oven (if on stainer) 15 mins
Xylene2 mins
Xylene2 mins
Xylene 2 mins
100% ethanol2 mins
100% ethanol2 mins
95% ethanol1 min
Water wash 1 min
Hematoxylin3 mins
Water wash2 mins
Differentiator30 secs (for mild acids ONLY; works best on platform stainers)
Water wash 1 min
Bluing1 min
Water wash1 min
95% ethanol1 min
Eosin Y45 secs
95% ethanol30 secs
100% ethanol1 min
100% ethanol1 min
Xylene2 mins
Xylene2 mins
Remember, there is flexibility if you would like an additional xylene at the beginning and/or at the end prior to coverslipping. It has also been found that this protocol works well with just about any commercially-available hematoxylin or eosin. The differentiation step should be a solution made with a mild acid (eg, citric acid). The differentiator in this case is not intended to remove any stain from the nuclei, but is instead for removing any background staining or excessive staining of mucin.