| Yes | No |
In the past 3 months, have you | | |
12. Had sexual contact with a new partner? (refer to the examples of "new partner" in the Blood Donor Educational Material) | | |
13. Had sexual contact with more than one partner? | | |
14. Had sexual contact with anyone who has ever had a positive test for HIV infection? | | |
The AABB's Blood Donor Educational Material takes the time to define "sexual contact" and "new partner" for prospective donors. See the image for the provided definitions.
Sexual contact with a new partner or more than one partner is not a cause for deferral unless the donor has also engaged in anal sex, in which case they are deferred for 3 months from the last date of anal sex, or 3 months from the current date if the donor can not recall their last date of anal sex.
Sexual contact with anyone who has ever had a positive test for HIV infection may put the donor at risk for HIV infection themselves. Donors who may be at risk for HIV, or who have symptoms such as fever, enlarged lymph glands, sore throat, or rash are encouraged not to donate. It may be several weeks to more than a month from HIV exposure before laboratory tests can detect the virus or its antigen/antibody.