Types of Infections

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Corynebacterium and their Importance in Infections. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Corynebacterium and their Importance in Infections (online CE course)
Types of Infections

Table 3. Types of Infections.
Organism Infection TypesKnown Organism Reservoir
C. diphtheriaeDiphtheria, nontoxigenic strains can cause endocarditis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, and other serious invasive diseases Nasopharynx of healthy persons, transfers from skin lesions
C. accolens EndocarditisEyes, ears, nose, nasopharynx
C. amycolatum Postoperative infections, urinary tract infections, peritonitis, bloodstream infectionsSkin, bovine milk
C. jeikeium Endocarditis, shunt infections, osteomyelitis, lymphadenopathySkin, hospital surfaces
C. kroppenstedtiiPulmonary disease, abscessesUnknown
C. macginleyiEye and corneal infectionsHumans
C. minutissimumErythrasma, wound infections, urinary tract infectionsSkin
C. propinquumLower respiratory infections Respiratory
C. pseudotuberculosisRare human infection lymphadenitis, pneumoniaSheep, goats, horses, and occupational exposures
C. riegeliiUrinary tract infections primarily in femalesUrogenital tract of females
C. striatumDevice associated infections, infection in chronic wounds, and conjunctivaSkin and oropharynx
C. tuberculostearicumAssociated with Leprosy infections and mastitisSkin and food
C. ulcerans Can cause disease similar to diphtheria, necrotic granulomas, pulmonary nodulesNasopharynx of healthy persons as well as horses and cows
C. urealyticumUrinary tract infections (primarily alkali encrusted cystitis)Skin primarily in hospitalized patients
C. xerosisSurgical site infections, hospital-acquired pneumoniaSkin and oropharynx
Black colony Corynebacterium speciesUrinary tract infections primarily in females Urogenital tract of females