Evaluation of Potential Vendors

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Laboratory Administration: Vendor Relationships. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Laboratory Administration: Vendor Relationships (online CE course)
Evaluation of Potential Vendors

A sample process for the evaluation of potential vendors is outlined below.
Request information from all potential vendors. This request for information is known as an RFI.
Potential vendors are then evaluated by a cross-functional team.
Evaluation Questions:
  1. Are the potential vendors qualified for the purpose stated in the statement of work (SOW)?
  2. Are the vendors licensed appropriately?
  3. Does your institution have specific requirements for potential vendors...such as a list of "preferred" vendors?
  4. Has the laboratory had an opportunity to view free samples, perform a trial evaluation, viewed the vendor instrumentation in action elsewhere, or reviewed references written by other similarly sized laboratories?
The use of a standardized template/bid grid is helpful in a comparison of the potential vendors. Often, as in federal institutions, the template is provided by the contracting officer in charge of the laboratory's procurement process. The template should:
  • Include and list all of the requirements as outlined in the statement of work. This may be very detailed, depending on the specificity of each criterium.
  • Objectively assign numerical values to each of the vendor responses as to whether the requirement is met, partially met, or not met - using a scoring key.
  • Allow for a numerical total response for a final assessment.
  • Include the bids of the products so a full comparison between vendors can be made.
Several standardized templates are available online. Be sure to follow institutional policies and use institutional templates where available.