Laboratory Diagnosis: Hematology

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Laboratory Diagnosis: Hematology

Table 4. Characteristic Morphology Associated with IDA, SA, and ACI.4
IDA (later stages)SAACD/ACI
Anisocytosis (increased RDW) Present Present Absent, cells usually normocytic/normochromic unless coexisting with IDA
Microcytes Present Present May be present coexisting with IDA
Hypochromia Present Present May be present coexisting with IDA
Dimorphic Not usually present Present May be present coexisting with IDA
Polychromasia Not usually present except in early stages Present Absent
Target cells +/- +/- +/-
Elliptocytes +/- +/- +/-
Pappenheimer bodies Absent Present Absent in erythroid line
4. Harmening D.M. (2009). Clinical Hematology and Fundamentals of Hemostasis. 5th Ed., F.A.Davis, Philadelphia, p. 130.