Normal Erythrocyte Morphology

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Normal Erythrocyte Morphology

The maturation process of red blood cells begins in the bone marrow where the first four identifiable stages of maturation: pronormoblast, basophilic normoblast, polychromatophilic normoblast, and orthochromatic normoblast are normally found. The presence of any of these stages in the peripheral blood should be considered for further evaluation. Table 2 provides brief descriptions of the expected morphology for all stages of red blood cell maturation.4
Table 2. Normal Morphology of Erythrocyte Stages.*
StageFound In BM/PBSize and N:C RatioNucleusCytoplasm
Pronormoblast BM14-24 µm
Round, central
Dark blue/purple, stippled chromatin pattern
0-2 Nucleoli
Deeply blue or royal blue
No granules
Basophilic Normoblast BM12-27 µm
Round, central
Chromatin pattern is more condensed
Occasional indistinct or no nucleoli
Slightly basophilic cytoplasm
No granules
Polychromatophilic Normoblast BM10-15 µm
Round, central
Dark blue, smaller with increased clumped chromatin and more parachromatin visible
No nucleoli
Moderate amount of bluish-pink cytoplasm
No granules

Orthochromatic Normoblast BM8-12 µm
Round, central
Dark blue/purple with condensed chromatin and pyknotic degeneration
No nucleoli
Moderate amount of pink cytoplasm with slight blue tint
No granules
Reticulocyte BM/PB7-10 µm
N/APink-orange with slight blue tint/ polychromatophilic
No granules
Erythrocyte BM/PB7-8 µm
N/APink-orange biconcave disk with central pallor
*Modified from Harmening, Table 1-6, page 15
4. Harmening D.M. (2009). Clinical Hematology and Fundamentals of Hemostasis. 5th Ed., F.A.Davis, Philadelphia, p. 15.