Staff Preparation and Involvement

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Inspection Preparation, Process, and Corrective Action. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Staff Preparation and Involvement

Staff involvement and commitment to ongoing compliance assistance from all staff will foster a sense of teamwork within the laboratory and enhance understanding of the compliance process.

Consistent, ongoing preparation rather than a last-minute review will provide a more organized and meaningful inspection process and outcome.
The process of preparation for and participation in any inspection cycle is multifaceted. It should begin after the previous inspection and have widespread staff involvement. The compliance process is not intended to be driven exclusively by management and supervisory staff. Each employee should be engaged and aware of the requirements, process, specific steps, reporting process, and corrective action mechanisms (at the level that is appropriate to their specific position).
Staff members can be assigned preparatory tasks related to the establishment and upkeep of regulatory requirements and confirmation that the resulting practices and outcomes are consistent and maintained. This assists with staff understanding and ownership of the total inspection process. Additionally, this involvement confirms an understanding of the day-to-day work practices necessary for continued compliance and laboratory operation as a whole.