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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Microcytic Anemias. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Microcytic Anemias (online CE course)

As its name implies, Microcytic Anemia refers to a collection of disorders with a red blood cell morphology that predominates with microcytic or small red blood cells.
When viewed on a Wright or Wright-Giemsa stained blood smear, normal red blood cells will have a diameter of 7-8 microns and a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 80-100 fL.
Microcytic red blood cells will be less than 7 microns with an MCV of less than 80 fL. Depending on the laboratory policies, anemia will be classified as microcytic when the MCV is less than 80 fL.5,6 In a majority of cases of microcytic anemia, they will also be hypochromic (cells with too little hemoglobin as represented by an MCHC of less than 32%).
The first image shows an example of normocytic/normochromic cells, normal size and hemoglobin concentration represented by MCV and MCHC within reference ranges, followed by microcytic/hypochromic red blood cells. Finding a normal lymphocyte in the field can help determine RBC size as normal red blood cells are approximately the size of a small lymphocyte nucleus.
Worldwide microcytic anemia is a significant concern with a majority of cases resulting from iron deficiency affecting about two billion people, particularly in women of childbearing age and children.8 Anemia of chronic inflammation (ACI or AI) follows and is difficult to statistically represent due to frequent coexisting conditions with iron deficiency.9
5. Badireddy M, Baradhi KM. "Chronic Anemia." [Updated 2023 Aug 7]. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023. Retrieved from https://www/
6. Keohane, E. M., Otto, C.N., Walenga, J. M. (2019). Rodak's Hematology Clinical Principles and Applications. St. Louis., Elsevier, 6th Edition. Page 255.
8. Gedfie S, Getawa S, Melku M. "Prevalence and Associated Factors of Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Under-5 Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Glob Pediatr Health. 2022 Jul 6;9:2333794X221110860. doi: 10.1177/2333794X221110860. PMID: 35832654; PMCID: PMC9272181.
9. Cappellini MD, Scaramellini N, Motto I. "Iron status in chronic inflammatory disease: therapeutic implications." Pol Arch Intern Med. 2023;133: 16430.doi:10.20453/pamw.16430.
10. Maslak, Peter. "Monocyte-1." American Society of Hematology, 1 November 2008,
11. ASH Image Collection. "Iron Deficiency Anemia Moderate." American Society of Hematology, 6 October 2015,

Normal mature RBCs. (10)
Microcytic hypochromic RBCs. (11)