Brugia timori

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Microfilariae in Humans. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Microfilariae in Humans (online CE course)
Brugia timori

Brugia timori has been found on only two Timorian islands.
Other names for the infection caused by Brugia timori include:
  • Lymphatic filariasis
  • Periodic filariasis
  • Timor filariasis
  • Timorian filariasis
Summary of the General Morphologic Characteristics of the Microfilariae:
Filarial AgentLengthWidthNuclear Column
Brugia timoriLarge (>200 μm in length)
Large species tend to be as wide as a red blood cell (RBC), about 6-8 μm in diameter
Compact (dense)
HeadspaceTailSheath on Giemsa
LongTerminal and subterminal nuclei, large gaps separate these nucleiPresent: Colorless
31. CDC DPDx/Orihel. Image, "Microfilaria of B. timori in a thick blood smear from a patient from Indonesia, stained with Giemsa and captured at 500x oil magnification." CDC DPDx public domain. Page reviewed 2019. Accessed April 6, 2023. - "Image Gallery".

B timori Giemsa thick blood smear 500x oil magnification. (31)