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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Microfilariae in Humans. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Bronze MS. Filariasis: Practice essentials, background, pathophysiology. Updated February 2, 2023. Accessed April 5, 2023. Medscape eMedicine.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dirofilariasis. Web page accessed April 27, 2023.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Frequently asked questions: What is lymphatic filariasis? CDC Website. Reviewed 2020. Accessed April 5, 2023.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Parasites: Lymphatic filariasis. CDC website. Created 2018. Accessed April 5, 2023.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DPDx. Lymphatic filariasis. DPDx website. Last reviewed 2019. Accessed April 5, 2023.
Chagas CRF, Binkiene R, Ilgunas M, Iezhova T, Valkiunas G. The buffy coat method: a tool for detection of blood parasites without staining procedures. Parasit Vectors. 2020;13(1):104. Published 2020 Feb 27. doi:10.1186/s13071-020-3984-8
Heymann DL. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 21st ed. APHA Press. 2022.
Leber AL, ed. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook. 4th ed. ASM Press; 2016:Parasitology, Section 9.8.
Mathison BA, Couturier MR, Pritt BS. Diagnostic identification and differentiation of microfilariae. J Clin Microbiol. 2019;57(10):e00706-19. Published 2019 Sep 24. doi:10.1128/JCM.00706-19
Otsuji Y. History, epidemiology and control of filariasis. Trop Med Health. 2011;39(1 Suppl 2):3-13. doi:10.2149/tmh.39-1-suppl_2-3
Parikh R, Vaswani L. The night traveler - Microfilaria in peripheral blood smear. August 7, 2018. American Association of Hematology. Accessed April 5, 2023.
Rohini Dhanya CS, Jayaprakash HT. Microfilariae, a common parasite in an unusual site: A case report with literature review. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. JCDR. 2016;10(4), ED08. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2016/16042.7563 Accessed April 5, 2023.
Sharma V, Sharan R, Kumar S. The night wanderer: Microfilaria in peripheral blood smear. Indian Pediatr Case Rep 2021;1:136. Accessed April 5, 2023.;year=2021;volume=1;issue=2;spage=136;epage=136;aulast=Sharma
Showler A, Nutman T. Filarial nematodes. In: Carroll KC, Pfaller MA, Landry ML, McAdam AJ, Patel R, Richter SS, Warnock DW, eds. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th ed. ASM Press; 2019, updated 2022. doi:10.1128/9781683670438.MCM.ch147
The Carter Center. River blindness elimination program. Reviewed 2023. Accessed April 5, 2023.
Tille PM, ed. Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology. 15th ed. Elsevier Mosby: 2022: Part IV: Parasitology; Ch. 52: Blood and tissue filarial nematodes.
World Health Organization (WHO). Bench aids for the diagnosis of filarial infections. publications. December 11, 1997. Accessed April 5, 2023.
World Health Organization (WHO). Lymphatic filariasis. WHO website. Created March 2022. Accessed April 5. 2023.
World Health Organization (WHO). Onchocerciasis. WHO website. Created January 11, 2022. Accessed April 5. 2023.