Brugia malayi

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Microfilariae in Humans. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Microfilariae in Humans (online CE course)
Brugia malayi

Brugia malayi is reported to cause approximately 10% of the cases of lymphatic filariasis.28
Other synonyms for infections caused by Brugia malayi include:
  • Lymphatic filariasis
  • Periodic filariasis
  • Microfilariamalayi
  • Filariamalayi Brug
  • Malayan filariasis
  • Brugian filariasis
Summary of the General Morphologic Characteristics of the Microfilariae:
Filarial AgentLenthWidthNuclear Column
Brugia malayiLarge (>200 μm in length)Large species tend to be as wide as a red blood cell (RBC), about 6-8 μm in diameter
Compact (dense)
HeadspaceTailSheath on Giemsa
LongTerminal and subterminal nuclei, large gaps separate these nucleiPresent: Bright pink
28. World Health Organization (WHO). Lymphatic filariasis. WHO website. Created March 2022. Accessed April 6. 2023.
29. CDC/Melvin. Image #21532. "Under a magnification of 1700X, this photomicrograph of a blood smear specimen, revealed some of the ultrastructural details in the head region of a Brugia malayi microfilarial parasite. Note the characteristic absence of nuclei in the cephalic space, and the bunched sheath enclosing the head region." PHIL public domain. Created 1966. Accessed April 6, 2023.
30. CDC/Melvin. Image #3005. "Under a magnification of 1000X, this photomicrograph reveals some of the ultrastructural morphology exhibited at the posterior end of a Brugia malayi microfilaria, which was found in this thick film blood smear specimen processed using Giemsa stain." PHIL public domain. Created 1977. Accessed April 6, 2023.

Brugia malayi head. (29)
Brugia malayi posterior (tail). (30)