Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Diversity

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Healthcare Workplace. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Diversity

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, a significant portion of our workforce is comprised of LGBTQIA+ employees (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and more identities). Recent estimates suggest slightly more than 4% of municipal employees (585,000 workers) and slightly more than 8% of state employees (418,000 workers) are LGBTQIA+. By comparison, approximately 7 million private-sector workers (roughly 6.5%) are LGBTQIA+.
In today's healthcare workforce, with diversity increasing steadily, sexual orientation diversity is an important factor to understand. In addition to supporting an inclusive equal employment opportunity or non-discrimination workplace environment, employees should learn about sexual orientation and gender identity diversity in the modern healthcare setting.
Companies and employee teams should strive to create an environment where employees who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community are able to be themselves, without fear of discrimination or exclusion. This allows everyone, despite their sexual orientation, to bring their full "selves" to their work, without the need to hide or conform. When an individual feels accepted at work, they are truly able to bring their maximum potential and energy to their job. Employers who actively work to diversify their workplace can provide the same quality of benefits and support given to family, domestic partners, and dependents of any employee, despite their sexual orientation. The Human Resources department should now include options to indicate a preferred name, pronouns, and expanded gender options to include non-binary and transgender.
Employees can consider a few helpful guidelines for increasing inclusion and supporting sexual orientation and gender identity diversity:
  • Ask coworkers what their pronouns are when you are referring to them or talking with them.
  • When a coworker shares information with you about their sexual orientation or gender identity, ask them whether or not this is information they want you to keep private.
  • Avoid making assumptions about people's sexual orientation or gender identity based on their appearance or conduct.
  • Don't assume that a person’s spouse or partner is of the opposite sex.
These are just a few simple rules of thumb to remember when working in diverse employee teams, not an inclusive list. Remember: it is paramount to avoid making assumptions.