The North American Freezer Challenge

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Reducing the Environmental Impact of Clinical Laboratories. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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The North American Freezer Challenge

At present, a "contest" (sponsored by MyGreenLabs and I2SL) is directed at the energy consumption of freezers and other cold storage units.24 As mentioned earlier, freezers are one of the most energy-consuming components of laboratories. Clinical, hospital, and private labs each have their own category for entry into the contest. Each year, a laboratory may apply for this award. Information on the award is provided at this website:
The most useful part of this challenge (along with steps on applying for the award) is the provision of a free guide on reducing the overall cold storage environmental impact. Ultra-low freezer, lab freezer, and lab refrigerator entries may earn valuable points toward awards - all by taking action on each cold storage unit in the lab and using cold storage best practices. The four best practices categories include:
  • good management practices,
  • temperature tuning,
  • retirements and upgrades, and
  • cutting-edge practices.
According to the website, freezer challenge participants have saved a cumulative 24 million kWh of energy, which reduced carbon emissions by 16,796 metric tons since 2017 (which offsets the equivalent of 41 million miles in a passenger vehicle).
24. My Green Lab and I2SL. Freezer challenge. Webpage. Created 2022. Accessed February 14, 2023.