Some NCE Scenarios

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course The Basics of Non-Conforming Event Management for Clinical Laboratory Services. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about The Basics of Non-Conforming Event Management for Clinical Laboratory Services (online CE course)
Some NCE Scenarios

Here are some examples of non-conforming events and what type of action to take:
  1. A physician calls the laboratory for assistance locating a test report for a discharged patient. Correction: Provide the report to the physician immediately.
  2. The same physician places a second call to the laboratory. She is investigating several missing laboratory reports. Corrective action: Determine the cause for repeated missing reports.
  3. A quote for outreach services was not accurate, but was corrected immediately. Correction: The inaccurate quote was correctly completed before it was returned to the customer.
  4. A quote for outreach services was not accurate and caused excessive overcharges. Corrective action: Determine the cause for the inaccuracy and why it was not corrected before charging the patient's bill. Overcharges must be refunded.
  5. A turnaround time (TAT) report for laboratory results on emergency room patients is showing an increasing trend, but has not yet exceeded the established threshold. Preventive action: Determine the cause of the potential problem in TAT.