Reportable Events

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course The Basics of Non-Conforming Event Management for Clinical Laboratory Services. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about The Basics of Non-Conforming Event Management for Clinical Laboratory Services (online CE course)
Reportable Events

There are three types of reportable events:
  1. An adverse event is one in which a patient experienced harm or injury due to the negative outcome of treatment or lack of treatment.
  2. A near-miss is a variation in process or procedure that did not affect the outcome of a patient’s treatment, but could carry a significant risk to patient care if it recurs.
  3. A sentinel event is an unexpected death or serious injury, and signals immediate action, investigation, and response.
Events that fall into one of these categories must be reported and documented to ensure similar occurrences do not happen again.