Biohazardous Waste: Types of Biohazardous Waste

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Reducing the Environmental Impact of Clinical Laboratories. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Biohazardous Waste: Types of Biohazardous Waste

As most already know, biohazardous waste is the most difficult and expensive waste with which to deal. Types of biohazardous waste that a clinical lab generates include:
  • blood, blood products, and items soaked with blood;
  • human tissues or body parts;
  • body fluids;
  • sharps used on humans or human parts; and
  • waste containing potential disease-causing agents.
Disposal of biohazardous waste must meet OSHA and local standards, which are beyond the scope of the course. Also, some labs autoclave their biohazardous waste, while others do not. Each laboratory must follow all guidelines and requirements.
As a first step to reducing biohazardous waste, it is essential not to dispose of non-biohazardous items in biohazardous waste containers. By doing this, the amount of biohazardous waste that needs special handling will be reduced. The next page will provide a discussion in more detail.
14. Wikicommons/Attribution: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), via Wikimedia Commons. Biohazard bag. Image in the public domain. Created 2009. Accessed February 12, 2023.

Biohazard bag. (14)