Blastoschizomyces capitatus (formerly known as Geotrichum capitatum) is commonly found in the environment and may be recovered from the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract of healthy humans. The genus is characterized by the production of true hyphae, pseudohyphae, annelloconidia resembling arthroconidia, and the lack of blastoconidia.
Invasive disease can occur in the immunocompromised. Those with hematologic malignancies are at the most risk. Infection with B. capitatus presents similarly to that of invasive candidiasis in neutropenic patients. Most patients have fungemia, and many develop deep organ involvement.
18. CDC/Kaplan. Image #3207. This photograph depicts a slant culture test tube containing a growth medium of Sabouraud dextrose agar, which had been inoculated with the fungus, Geotrichum candidum, and incubated for an unknown time period, at a temperature of 37°C. PHIL public domain. Created 1969. Accessed January 13, 2023. 19. CDC/Georg. Image #3056. Under a magnification of 475X, this photomicrograph reveals some of the ultrastructural morphology exhibited by the fungal organism of the genus, Geotrichum. A yeast found worldwide in soil, water, air, and sewage, as well as in plants, cereals, and dairy products, Geotrichum spp. may cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised hosts, which are referred to as Geotrichosis. PHIL public domain. Created 1964. Accessed January 13, 2023.