Patient-centered health care is delivered as "respectful of and responsive to individual's preferences, needs, and values."1
Excellent health care for every patient involves a team approach. All team members contribute uniquely to ensure successful patient outcomes. The phlebotomist is a vital healthcare team member, and the team relies on the phlebotomist to obtain quality specimens. Patient diagnosis and treatment often depend on laboratory test results, and the accuracy and reliability of these results are contingent on a quality specimen. It is easy to see how the phlebotomist directly affects the patient's care.
As professional healthcare team members, phlebotomists should exhibit professional behaviors. Simple things, such as appropriate dress and grooming, reflect a professional image. Language and conversation should also show that you value yourself, your employer, and the patient. Work habits demonstrate to the rest of the team that you provide an invaluable service.
1. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm, A New Health System for the 21st Century. National Academy Press.