On the job, safety is paramount, not only for your safety but for the protection of the public as well. You are covered under the OSHA Chemical Hygiene and Bloodborne Pathogen Standards as an employee.
- You are entitled to be informed about any chemical or biological hazards and possible exposure in your job. Biohazards in the courier workplace include specimens such as blood, body fluid, and tissues. They may contain micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that cause infectious diseases. Exposure to these agents, such as chemicals used to preserve specimens like formaldehyde, may be hazardous to health and safety.
- As a new employee, you will be informed about these agents and shown how to protect yourself. In addition to protecting you at work, we also want to protect other patients and staff and your loved ones at home.
- Practicing good infection prevention is an integral part of your job. You may come in close contact with some dangerous specimens.
- Following the safety protocols established by your organization and the Department of Transportation (DOT) will help ensure that samples remain securely contained.
Useful websites for more information: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) DOT (Department of Transportation) |