There are various models, types, and manufacturers of PAPRs, but all essentially serve the same respiratory protection function and are typically considered reusable PPE. Always follow manufacturer-specific requirements and recommendations for use.
Donning a PAPR:
- Connect the headpiece/cap/hood with the breathing tube connector hose and then the hose to the battery housing with the HEPA filter.
- Turn the motor on and perform a battery supply check to ensure the unit operates appropriately.
- If there is an adequate power supply and the PAPR appears clean and ready for use, fasten the belt to the waist and don it.
- With the unit on, place the headpiece/cap/hood over the head. A loose-fitting elastic band will surround the area under the chin and wrap behind the ears to allow air to flow out of the hood away from the face.
Doffing a PAPR:
- Keep PAPR on/operating while doffing to extend respiratory protection throughout the doffing process.
- Detach the waist belt and use a nearby and designated table, chair, cart, coat rack, or wall hook to hang/hold the PAPR waist belt with a battery pack.
- Perform surface decontamination of the PAPR unit as it is doffed by applying an appropriate disinfectant with the proper contact time to each area (headpiece/hood, belt, connector hose, and outside of the battery pack). Do not spray disinfectant or other cleaning products inside the battery unit or HEPA filter housing.
- After disinfected and cleaning, put the PAPR away at the charging station.