Donning and Doffing Lab Coats

The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Personal Protective Equipment. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Donning and Doffing Lab Coats

Donning lab coats:
  • Obtain an appropriate lab coat with tight fighting (elastic) cuffs
  • Button or snap the lab coat completely
  • Ensure that the coat covers the torso and arms adequately
Doffing lab coats:
  • Unsnap or unbutton the lab coat completely
  • Gently grab and pull the sleeve cuff of one of the arms and pull off the laboratory coat one sleeve at a time
    • Note: Since gloves should cover/overlap the lab coat cuff area, the coat cuffs should be relatively clean or have minimal contamination
  • Try not to touch the potentially contaminated outer surfaces of the lab coat with bare hands
If the lab coat is disposable:
  • With the inside of the coat facing you, fold it away from you and roll it inside out into a bundle
If the lab coat will be reused:
  • Hang the lab coat in the designated area
  • If there is visible or potential contamination, the lab coat should be disposed of or laundered for cleaning before reuse