Symptoms and Initial CBC

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Symptoms and Initial CBC

A 77-year-old man was seen by his primary physician with the chief complaint of excessive weakness and fatigue. The man also appeared very pale. Suspecting anemia, the physician ordered a CBC.
The following are noteworthy results:
Patient Results Reference Range
WBC x 109/L2.6 4.5–10.5
RBC x 1012/L2.55 4.7–6.1
Hgb g/dL9.0 14–18
Hct %26 42–52
MCV fL111 80–100
MCH. pg37.2 27–31
MCHC g/dL33.6 32–36
RDW %20.0 11.5–14.5
Platelets x 109/L82 150–450
Notice that the patient has pancytopenia, which means all three cell lines are diminished: WBC, RBC, and platelets. Also, the MCV indicates macrocytosis.
The manual differential was even more informative.