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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Arthropods and the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Arthropods and the Clinical Laboratory (online CE course)

Bedbugs are included in the genus Cimex. Two species, Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus, infest humans. These arthropods feed on blood, usually at night, and their bites can cause skin rashes.
Bedbugs appear:
  • Reddish-brown
  • Approximately 4.0–5.0 mm in length
  • Male and female specimens may look quite different from one another, so caution in identification is advised
  • One pair of four-segmented antennae
  • One pair of eyes
  • Front wings are reduced to leathery pads
  • Piercing and sucking mouthparts do not extend beyond the base of front legs
17. CDC. Image# 15870 (cropped). (1963). "...bedbug, Cimex lectularius." PHIL public domain.
18. CDC. Image# 15247. "This photograph depicted a dorsal view of two bedbugs, Cimex lectularius. A male on the left, and a female on the right. Note the male’s slightly pointed distal abdomen, where in females, it is rounded. Lengthwise, females are slightly larger than males." PHIL public domain.

Bedbug on skin. (17)
Dorsal view of two bedbugs (male and female), Cimex lectularius. (18)