Pre-examination: Proper Collection and Submission of Specimens

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Arthropods and the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Pre-examination: Proper Collection and Submission of Specimens

Identification of genus and species is dependent on examination of the entire organism. If the intact organism is unavailable, valuable portions of the specimen can aid in identification, depending on the arthropod.
Collection and Submission to the Laboratory
Arthropod specimens should be removed directly from patients. (Note: Relating to human exposure. Otherwise, environmental samples -- infestations or random arthropods -- may be submitted to county or state extension services for identification.)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the following:
  1. Specimens should be submitted to the microbiology or parasitology laboratory.
  2. Use a clean, dry, plastic, sterile leak-proof container with a tightly fitting (screw cap) lid.
  3. Add 70–90% ethanol to the container. (As an alternative, 10% formalin may be used.) This is required to prevent alteration of the morphologic features and kill pathogens associated with vectors.
  4. Add the specimen directly to the container. (Only one organism per container.)
  5. Maintain the specimen at room temperature. (Refrigerated is acceptable; frozen is unacceptable.)
  6. Label properly.