Current and Future Prospects

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Molecular Methods in Clinical Microbiology: A Historical Review. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Molecular Methods in Clinical Microbiology: A Historical Review (online CE course)
Current and Future Prospects

Cepheid's next-generation platform, the Xpert® system, addressed some problematic factors by simplifying the workflow and making on-demand testing feasible. The assay targets the SCCmec-orfX junction and utilizes a self-contained cartridge containing all the reagents necessary for real-time PCR. Swabs are placed into an elution fluid and vortexed; an aliquot is dispensed into a reagent cartridge installed on the Xpert® platform. Results are available in approximately 75 minutes. Capital investment for equipment and ongoing reagent costs remain a consideration with all system platforms.
Another consideration for laboratories is throughput. The system contains independent modules for testing, and the user can use a small platform (up to 16 modules) or a large platform (a single Infinity-80, configured with up to 80 modules), depending on need. Facilities that need to process vast volumes of specimens will require multiple modules, adding to capital considerations.
Large-volume platforms that automate sample preparation, extraction, amplification, and detection in real-time would represent the ideal walk-away solution for many more extensive laboratories and a target for development for many manufacturers.