Procalcitonin (PCT)

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Laboratory Methods to Aid in the Detection of Sepsis. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Laboratory Methods to Aid in the Detection of Sepsis (online CE course)
Procalcitonin (PCT)

Procalcitonin (PCT) is a protein precursor to calcitonin and is produced in the thyroid.
PCT increases early in infection and has greater specificity for infection than CRP. Increased PCT can be observed within 3-6 hours of infection. (Acute low respiratory infections, as well as other infections leading to sepsis, are current uses for PCT as a biomarker.)
PCT enables the differentiation between a severe bacterial infection and other clinical conditions that may be causing a systemic inflammatory response, allowing antibiotic treatment to begin sooner. Elevated PCT values generally correlate well with positive blood and other culture results. Depending on the clinical assessment, a PCT concentration >0.1 ng/mL (reference value <0.05 ng/mL) can indicate clinically relevant bacterial infection.
PCT levels are usually low in viral disorders, chronic inflammatory conditions, or autoimmune conditions.