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Francisella tularensis
: Culture Characteristics, Colony Morphology, and Hallmark Features
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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course
Preliminary Identification of the Primary Select Agents of Bioterrorism
. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.
Learn more about Preliminary Identification of the Primary Select Agents of Bioterrorism (online CE course)
Francisella tularensis
: Culture Characteristics, Colony Morphology, and Hallmark Features
Culture Characteristics:
Slow growing and fastidious
Growth of visible colonies on agar may require two to five days
Growth is stimulated by CO
Will grow initially on sheep's blood agar (SBA), but growth is poor or absent on subculture
Prefers cysteine-enriched media such as chocolate (CHOC), Thayer-Martin (TM), buffered charcoal-yeast extract (BCYE), and thioglycollate (THIO)
Growth is slow in broth, so blood cultures should be held up to three weeks if
F. tularensis
is suspected
Colony Morphology on SBA at 35
Can grow poorly or not at all on SBA
Tiny, pin-point, translucent colonies after 18–24 hours
Difficult to see individual colonies in growth that is less than 24 hours
Gray-white, opaque colonies less than 1 mm after 48 hours
No hemolysis
Colony Morphology on CHOC at 35
Pin-point, gray-white, opaque growth after 24 hours
1-2 mm, gray-white, smooth, shiny growth after 48 hours
Individual colonies exhibit mature growth at 3 days in CO
environment and have a greenish appearance
10. Methias, M., & Parker, T. (2009). Image #11763. "This image depicts a Petri dish containing a chocolate agar medium, which had been inoculated with Gram-negative,
Francisella tularensis
. This was the appearance of the colonial growth after 48-hours of incubation."
11. Methias, M., & Parker, T. (2009). Image #11765. "This image depicts a Petri dish containing a chocolate agar medium, which had been inoculated with Gram-negative,
Francisella tularensis.
This was the appearance of the colonial growth after 72-hours of incubation."
Chocolate agar inoculated with Francisella tularensis; 48 hours of incubation. (10)
Chocolate agar inoculated with Francisella tularensis; 72 hours incubation. (11)