Electron Ionization

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Drug Testing Methods in the Clinical Toxicology Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Electron Ionization

Step 3: Electron ionization (formerly known as electron impact ionization)
Upon exiting the GC column, the analytes are introduced to a hostile environment—the mass spectrometer's ion source. It is important to note that the mass spectrometer is under a very high vacuum produced by at least two strong pumps. This removes air and other background molecules to reduce the background signal. In the ion source, the compounds in the sample are bombarded by an electron beam created by a wire filament with current flowing through it at a high voltage (70 eV). This ionizes the molecules.
This type of ionization is known as electron impact ionization. Because the standard electron energy of 70 eV used to ionize the molecules is very reproducible from one instrument to another, there is a high degree of reproducibility. This means that different labs with different instruments can share spectral libraries. These libraries can be used to identify unknown compounds. Since a given compound will elute off a specific GC column at a known time and be ionized into known ions, GC/MS can positively identify many compounds.
2. Schug, K. (2014). Schematic of an electron ionization source. Wiley Analytical Science. https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/content/article-do/sample-preparation-mass-spectrometry

Diagram of electron ionization showing the production of ions
from the GC column and acceleration into the mass spectrometer
under high vacuum. (2)