3 Year Old Child Presenting with Bruising, Lethargy, and Fever

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3 Year Old Child Presenting with Bruising, Lethargy, and Fever

A three-year-old male is brought to his pediatrician by worried parents, who said he was becoming increasingly lethargic and pale over the past two weeks. He started to bruise very easily and had a fever the past week.
The physician noted that the child appeared pale, had a fever of 101.8 F, and also complained his leg hurt. Upon examination, the child also had an enlarged liver. The physician ordered a CBC with diff and a chemistry panel.
Abnormal test results included:
Patient Results Reference Range
Hemoglobin (g/dL)7.1 12–15
WBC (x 109 /L)52 6–16
Platelets (x 109 /L)98 150–450
Percent blasts %860
LDH (U/L)58060–170
Uric acid (mg/dL)5.92.4–5.4