Automated vs. Manual Extraction

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Real-Time PCR. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Automated vs. Manual Extraction

In clinical laboratories today, DNA and RNA are isolated and extracted using both manual and automated protocols.
Manual extraction generally involves the use of a commercial kit, is time consuming, and is a labor-intensive procedure requiring reconstitution of reagents and incubation of samples at different time points and temperatures. Such factors introduce the risk of contamination, errors, and efficiency, i.e., different scientists performing the same assay will yield slightly different results. Due to the high complexity, manual extraction is not ideal for mid-to-high volume laboratories.
Automated extraction has benefits over the traditional manual methods and is preferred for higher volume laboratories. The automated extractor is equipped with pre-programmed protocols and is designed for use with pre-dispensed reagent cartridges specific for nucleic acid extraction. With its ease of performance and moderate complexity, the automated extractor affords a greater number of laboratory professionals to perform testing with less hands-on time, quicker turnaround times, decreased risk of contamination, and efficiency of extraction.