Alcian Blue pH 2.5 Staining Protocol

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Alcian Blue pH 2.5 Staining Protocol

Sample Type Required: Deparaffinized and re-hydrated tissue sections on positively charged slides.

Fixative: 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin or Bouin Solution

Alcian Blue, pH 2.5




Technical Notes


3% acetic acid

(15mL glacial acetic acid and 485mL distilled water)

Three minutes

This rinse will protect the subsequent Alcian Blue Solution from pH changes due to the introduction of water.


1% Alcian Blue Solution, pH 2.5

(5g Alcian Blue-8GX dissolved in 500mL 3% Acetic Acid)

30 minutes at room temperature or 15 minutes at 37°C


3% acetic acid

(15mL glacial acetic acid and 485mL distilled water)

Brief rinse

Rinse well enough to remove excess Alcian Blue. This will help to prevent nonspecific staining.


Running tap water

Ten minutes


Distilled water

Rinse well


Nuclear Fast Red Solution

Five Minutes

Expected Results

  • Weakly acidic sulfated mucins = Dark blue
  • Hyaluronic acid = Dark blue
  • Sialomucins = Dark blue
  • Background = Pink to red
  • Nuclei = Red

Post Staining Procedure: Tissue sections should be rinsed well in distilled water, dehydrated with 95% and absolute alcohols, cleared and cover-slipped.