Online Converters and Centrifuge User's Manual

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Proper Use and Care of the Medical Laboratory Centrifuge. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Online Converters and Centrifuge User's Manual

Online Converters. Here are several internet sources that can be used to calculate the RCF for a centrifuge. Access one or more and enter the RPM and rotor radius of a centrifuge to determine its RCF. Below are some examples of such converters.
Centrifuge User's Manual. Specifications such as RCF, RPM, and radius are now included in the user manuals of most late-model centrifuges. An example is illustrated. Some give the values for the maximum, minimum, and average RPM and RCF. If the RCF for only one speed is given, then the operator must calculate the RCF if another speed is used. If the specifications are unavailable in the user's manual, consider contacting the customer service representative for the data.