Intended Use

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Proper Use and Care of the Medical Laboratory Centrifuge. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Proper Use and Care of the Medical Laboratory Centrifuge (online CE course)
Intended Use

Classification of centrifuges by intended use generally comprises two groups: preparative centrifuges and analytical centrifuges. Analytical centrifuges are primarily used in research environments such as industry or hospital laboratories associated with academic institutions with medical schools. Analytical centrifuges are most popular in such fields as molecular biology, biochemistry, and polymer science.
One of the main goals of all medical laboratories is to provide their patients with the most accurate testing results possible. Accurate test results include not only proper sample collection and analysis but also sample preparation. For many patient samples, their preparation, at some point, may include centrifugation. Since preparation then is an important step in the testing process, it is important that those involved in this procedure of the testing process be very knowledgeable regarding the proper operation, maintenance, and safety of preparative centrifuges, which is usually the primary, if not the only type of centrifuge found in the majority of medical laboratories.