AED Command Prompts

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course First Aid. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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AED Command Prompts

AED command prompts are designed to instruct an untrained rescuer on how to administer a shock.
The AED's command prompts are generally as follows:
  1. "Remove clothing from the person's chest."
    • For women, this includes swimsuits, bras, sports bras, tank tops, and regular tops. These tops, especially underwire bras, may have metal in them as well as obscure the areas for the pads.
    • Clothing can be cut with shears included in the AED's response kit.
  2. "Attach pads to the person's chest as shown."
    • The pads are included in the back of the AED or in the corresponding response kit. They are connected to wires.
    • The pads have printed images on them that demonstrate where to place the pads (see image on the right).
      • Adult pads: one pad should be placed between the victim's right collarbone and nipple, and the other pad should be placed on the victim's left side, below the nipple.
      • Pediatric pads should be placed in the middle of the victim's chest AND back.
      • In the event that a child needs an AED but pediatric pads are not available, the rescuer should place one pad on the child's middle chest and the other on the child's middle back, ensuring that the pads do not touch.
  3. "Plug in connector."
    • The wires from the pads are plugged into the outlet on the AED.
  4. "Analyzing" or "Analyzing Rhythm."
    • The AED will analyze the victim's heartbeat. It is important that the rescuer is not touching the victim.
  5. "Press the Shock Button."
    • The rescuer should stand away from the victim and make sure no one else is touching them.
  6. "Shock Delivered."
After the shock is delivered, the AED will advise CPR. If available, a person trained and certified in CPR should administer help. After five cycles or approximately 2 minutes of CPR, the AED will reanalyze the heart's rhythm and determine if another shock is necessary.
It is important to note that AED injury is very rare. Its depiction in film is not accurate; the victim will not bounce off a flat surface when shock is administered. It is imperative that an AED is used within the first 3 minutes of a victim becoming unresponsive.
When emergency services arrive, they may have different pads and require that they switch out the pads provided in the AED kit. They may also analyze the information gathered by the AED.
Video tutorials are widely available for becoming familiar with AED prompts, including this video. You must still receive appropriate AED training to become certified; this course is not a substitute.

AED pad placement on adults.
AED pad placement on infants and children under 8 years old.