The HMR, 49 CFR Part 173.199, outlines packaging requirements for UN3373 Category B, Biological Substances.
Category B organisms, by definition, are infectious substances in a form generally incapable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals when exposure to it occurs. This includes infectious substances transported for diagnostic or investigational purposes.
Category B shipments need:
- To be triple packaged, which consists of:
- Primary leak-proof receptacle (sift-proof for solids)
- Secondary leakproof packaging (e.g., specimen transport bag)
- Rigid outer packaging with appropriate labels and markings
- Primary receptacles that are packed in such a way as to prevent break, leak, and puncture during transport under normal conditions
- To have cushioning and absorbent material between the primary and secondary containers and be sufficient to absorb the entire quantity of hazardous material