Once an instrument has been selected and purchased, it is implemented in the laboratory. A plan for that process is essential for the analyzer's successful implementation. The table below is an outline of an implementation plan.
A Plan for Implementing a New Analytical Instrument |
Appoint an implementation committee | - Supervisor
- Senior Tech
- Bench Tech
- Coding Expert
Perform a Method Validation for all tests to be performed on the new instrument | - Technical Supervisor of the Section
- Senior Tech
- Vendors
Develop the QC Plan | - Determine:
- QC company
- Control parameters
- Reference interval
- Critical values
- Reflex testing
- Auto verification
- Delta checks
Establish a proficiency testing program | - Protocol to follow
- Rotation of techs
Develop SOPs for the instrument | - Instrument Operation Procedure
- Establish Maintenance SOPs
- Place method procedures, including QC protocol, in the procedure manual
Training | - Senior tech training with vendor
- Operator training
Supply needs | - Ordering
- Inventory management
- Storage
Perform the LIS connectivity → Electronic patient record within the laboratory organization | - Establish staffing needs
- Determine if new staffing is needed
- Perform training
- Schedule staffing
Institutional communication | - Providers
- Nurses
- Nursing station clerks
Establish proper coding with accounts receivable | |
Proper and successful implementation requires careful planning and commitment by all persons affected by the new instrument. If a plan is carefully constructed in an orderly process, there will be fewer technical and communication issues, and those that do arise will be able to be solved efficiently.
It is essential to have the right people involved in the implementation process, from the laboratory supervisor to the institution and/or laboratory's coding expert.