Arm Stabilization Devices

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Arm Stabilization Devices

In order to collect an optimal blood specimen and reduce the chance of patient harm, arm stabilization is crucial during venipuncture. VeniSTAT Inc. has produced two such devices that promise to deliver both patient safety and specimen collection success.
The first device is called LabPRO (top image) and is an attachable stabilization arm designed to work with most blood drawing chairs. It is a versatile device and has the following features and benefits:
  • Positions arm in seconds
  • Adjusts for pediatrics and adults
  • Limits sudden patient movement "flinch"
  • Interchangeable for right or left arm
  • Adjustable handle for antecubital or hand access
  • Fits most draw chairs
  • Improved accuracy for increased first attempt success
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved ergonomics
  • Increased safety
  • Increased patient comfort
The second device, called MobilePRO (bottom image), is a variation of the LabPRO with the added features of portability and an attachable tube holder.
Figures 15 and 16. Images courtesy of VeniSTAT.

Figure 15. VeniStat LabPro attached to a drawing chair
Figure 16. VeniStat MobilePro portable