Development of a Capital Equipment and Acquisition Plan

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Development of a Capital Equipment and Acquisition Plan

The selection of instruments significantly impacts provider needs, quality, workflow, personnel needs, and the financial well-being of the health system the laboratory supports. For this reason, the laboratory must have a good plan for the process before proceeding. The table below is an outline plan for capital equipment selection and acquisition.
Plan for Instrument Selection and Implementation
Determine Why a New Testing System is Needed
  • Replacement (worn out)
  • New testing requests by Providers
  • Quality improvement
  • Financial advantages
Select an Instrument After
  • Performing an operation review
  • Setting performance standards (minimum and ideal)
  • Performing a market search based on performance standards
  • Performing a financial analysis
Implement the New Instrument
  • Develop a detailed implementation plan and follow
If the instrument is a replacement instrument, the reasons for the need to replace it must be listed and evaluated. Proceeding forward should only occur if there are valid reasons for replacement. If the analytical instrument is being purchased to add additional testing, additional testing must be justified. Sometimes, an instrument can be justified based on improved efficiency and workflow. How new instrumentation might do this needs to be identified.
Once an instrument is needed, instrument selection and cost justification are critical to the quality and financial viability of the clinical laboratory. Determining needs, designing performance standards, careful selection, and determining financial viability are required. In addition to establishing minimum performance standards, the maximum payout for the purchase should be established in coordination with the chief financial officer. The next step is to do a market search to determine what instrumentation is available that meets the criteria you have established. Once the top two or three potential instruments have been selected, an operation review and financial analysis must be done. Once an instrument has been chosen, an implementation plan is the final step.