Operations Cost Comparison Study

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Operations Cost Comparison Study

With an operations cost comparison study, the laboratory can compare the cost per test of reagents, supplies, controls, calibrators, depreciation, maintenance, and possibly labor. If no new hires are required or labor hours are added, labor does not have to be part of the study. In addition, if the instrument is a replacement and no new space or adjustment in environmental conditions is required, indirect costs do not need to be determined. The table below is a basic example of an instrument cost study comparing the current instrument and two other instruments being considered for purchase.
Operations Cost Comparison Study
(Cost per test $)
InstrumentReagentsSupplies Controls Calibrators Depreciation Maintenance Labor Total Direct Costs
Current Instrument $1.25 $0.31 $0.15 $0.15 $0.00 $0.80 $2.50 $5.16
Instrument A $0.15 $0.31 $0.05 $0.15 $1.25 $0.40 $0.75 $3.06
Instrument B $0.20 $0.17 $0.10 $0.15 $2.76 $1.05 $1.05 $4.58
Labor was considered because it was estimated that the added automation would decrease labor hours.
The decision maker may, at first, rush into thinking that instrument A is the best choice because the direct cost is the lowest in this cost comparison study. However, the well-informed decision-maker will look at a variety of factors in addition to price. For example, ease of use, menu options on the instrument, type and size of samples required, preference of operators, the ability of the instrument to handle a larger volume if that is anticipated, compatibility with LIS and electronic patient records, etc.
In the hospital-managed care setting, the cost per test data and operation comparison study may be the only financial data needed for decision-making unless the hospital conducts a considerable volume of fee-for-service laboratory testing.