Vascular Access Devices

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Vascular Access Devices

PIVO is a device for collecting fresh venous samples from a peripheral IV catheter. This needle-free, single-use, sterile device reduces the need for multiple needlesticks, which in turn reduces the chances of patient discomfort, contamination, and bruising while increasing the chances for high-quality draws.
PIVO works by using the existing peripheral intravenous line (PIV) as a conduit to the vein. It uses a flexible, internal flow tube that is advanced through the PIV, beyond the catheter tip, and into the vessel to collect a blood sample. The flow tube reaches deep into the vessel, where blood flow is more optimal for aspiration. After blood collection is complete, the internal flow tube is retracted, and the device is easily removed from the PIV and discarded.
Figure 10. Images of PIVO courtesy of VelanoVascular. In 2021, PIVO was purchased by BD.

Figure 10. PIVO Animation Still