Special Tissue Processing

The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Tissue Processing in Histology. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Special Tissue Processing

There are processing protocols for every special tissue technique. Some more common protocols have been created for tissue to be studied for gout. This processing technique must omit all stations that contain water since water will dissolve the sodium urate crystals. Aqueous formalin fixatives, 70% and 95% alcohol, will be omitted; therefore, the process begins with 100% alcohol.
Biopsies that require rapid diagnosis, such as liver and kidney core biopsies, can be processed quickly since they are only 1–2 mm thick. The processing time is almost half the standard biopsy protocol, or about 3 hours. For a biopsy that was taken at 9:00 AM, the pathologist can have a diagnosis by 3:30 PM. That is much faster than the standard 24-hour routine tissue requires for fixation, processing, and staining.