One Failure Type: Wait Times and Delays

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One Failure Type: Wait Times and Delays

One of the process failures identified, like the work discussion, was the process flow failure of unnecessary wait times or delays. When a value stream map of a process is looked at, the focus is the movement of the product or service through each step until it reaches the customer. The ideal flow is a single-piece and continuous workflow that moves seamlessly through to completion. A simple way to numerically quantify what is identified on the value stream map is to calculate the process flow or efficiency. Process flow or efficiency equals the value-added time divided by the process cycle time. Value-added time is the time it takes to complete the process from the first step to the last without interruption or rework, the "ideal". This may be depicted in the "as should be" value stream map. The process cycle time is the time it takes to complete the steps, including wait times and rework.
For an example of calculating process efficiency, consider the process flow below:
  1. A patient at the hospital has had a breast biopsy performed and waits anxiously for a diagnosis
  2. The patient waits for the scheduled procedure appointment = one week (40 business hours)
  3. Time to perform the test = 1 hour (value added)
  4. Preparation of the biopsy = grossing 10 minutes + tissue processing 8 hours
  5. Reading of the test result = 20 minutes
  6. Report generated and sent to clinician = 12 minutes
  7. Clinician meeting with the patient and explaining the diagnosis = 10 minutes
Value Stream Results for Patient Biopsy Procedure:
  • Value added = 11 minutes (procedure and face time with the clinician)
  • Non-value added = 49 hours and 42 minutes
  • Process flow efficiency = 11/49.42
This process has only a 22.2% efficiency.
Part of the bottlenecks and wait times in the above example are related to departmental organization and process batching. In our example above, batching of tissue into one long processing run, which is completed overnight, has added 8 hours and 10 minutes of wait time for the patient.
To some extent, flow thinking is counterintuitive when we are very familiar with or accustomed to a process. However, stepping back and looking at our processes through the customer's eyes is the key to eliminating bottlenecks, backflows, and non-value-added activity.