Key Gains from Lean and Six Sigma for Improving Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness

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Key Gains from Lean and Six Sigma for Improving Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness

The combination of Lean and Six Sigma allows us to measure and compare many processes. Lean and Six Sigma focus on the customer and what is most valuable to them. Lean methods always begin by looking at the value stream from the customer's point of view and determining what is value-added versus non-value-added.
Gain #1: Improved process efficiency
Process efficiency is a measurement that allows us to distinguish between value-added and non-value-added activities within any process. We complete a value stream map of your process and label each step as value-added or non-value-added. Lead time is another critical metric.
Gain #2: Reduced cycle time
Cycle time is the total time needed for one item or service to go through a system of processes before being delivered to the customer. You need to ask yourself, how long is the customer willing to wait? How long is the lead time for competitors for the same product or service?
Both process efficiency (including wait times and bottlenecks) and overall process lead times are critical dimensions to consider when evaluating your processes for improvement.
Gain #3 Reduce wait times between process steps
What are the best methods to reduce wait times in process steps? Identifying and understanding your process bottlenecks will be necessary to minimize process waste from wait times. This is accomplished through value stream maps that help identify these stop points, which will be shown by points where there are inventory buildups and long sub-process cycle times.
Gain #4: Improve bottleneck points
You may not be able to eliminate all bottlenecks, but you can reduce their impact on process flow. For example, a laboratory may decide to reduce the wait times at an individual bottleneck step. Care must be taken with this approach, as the original bottleneck can often be reduced or eliminated without looking at the entire value stream. As a result, the bottleneck may merely shift to a later but new bottleneck step. This is frequently observed when organizations are overly focused on vertical improvement, also known as "silos," without considering the downstream or horizontal value-added process. That is why the entire process, with all inputs and outputs, must be considered. Better results may be achieved by reducing the overall cycle time through work standardization, eliminating non-value-added steps, and improving process flow.
Gain #5: Reduction of batch processing
Efficiency is increased, and errors are reduced in a continuous workflow. The problem of batch processing can be challenging to overcome. However, the batching problem is more evident with value stream mapping and apparent wherever you see work-in-progress piling up. The wait times introduced by the bottlenecks can be alleviated by trying to work with the most petite batch sizes possible and working towards seeking a continuous flow.
Gain #6: Limiting rework
Rework adds unnecessary wait time at the most process-vulnerable points (process bottlenecks), which is why rework and defects must be minimized. Error reduction techniques such as Poka Yoke methods, 5S work area redesign for efficiency, and standardization can help reduce the waste introduced by rework.