Typical CBC results and hemoglobin detection results include:
Characteristic | Sickle Cell Disease (HbSS) | Sickle Cell Trait (HbSA) | HbS-Beta Thalassemia | Hemoglobin SC |
Anemia | Severe Normocytic,Normochromic | None to mild Normocytic, Normochromic | Mild to severe Microcytic, Hypochromic | Mild to moderate Normocytic, Normochromic |
Hemoglobin | 5-9 g/dL | 11-15 g/dL | 5-10 g/dL | 11-13 g/dL |
MCV | Normal | Normal | Decreased | Normal |
MCHC | Increased | Normal | Decreased | Increased to Normal |
RDW | Increased | Increased | Increased | Increased |
RBC Morphology | - Codocytes
- Drepanocytes
- Basophilic Stippling
- Polychromasia
- nRBC's
- Howell-Jolly bodies
- Pappenheimer bodies (non-functioning spleen)
| - Usually normal
- Codocytes may be present
- Drepanocytes rarely seen
| - Codocytes
- Drepanocytes
- Basophilic Stippling
| - Codoctyes
- HbSC crystals
- Xerocytes
Reticulocytes | Increased, unless in aplastic crisis | Usually normal | Normal to decreased OR increased depending on type of beta-thalassemia | Slightly increased |
WBC's and Platelets | Neutrophilic leukocytosis and thrombocytosis | Usually normal | Usually normal | Usually normal |
Solubility Test | Positive | Positive | Positive | Positive |
Hemoglobin electrophoresis | - HbS 80-95%
- HbA 0%
- HbA2 2-3.5%
- HbF 0.5-10%
| - HbS 20-40%
- HbA 60-80%
- HbA2 2-3.5%
- HbF <2%
| HbSβ+- HbS 55-75%
- HbA 5-30%
- HbA2 <3.5%
- HbF 5-20%
HbS β0- HbS 80-95%
- HbA 0%
- HbA2 <3.5%
- HbF 5-20%
| - HbS 45-50%
- HbC 45-50%
- HbF 0-7%