Question #6: Educational Materials

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Donor Selection: The Donor History Questionnaire. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Donor Selection: The Donor History Questionnaire (online CE course)
Question #6: Educational Materials

Have you
6. Read the blood donor educational materials today?
Prospective donors must be provided with educational materials before the remaining questions on the DHQ are addressed. The material provided describes the collection process, post-donation testing, how donor eligibility will be determined, and recommendations against donation if the donor has engaged in any of the outlined risk behaviors.
After reading the educational materials, donors must be given time to ask any questions that may have arisen.
Lastly, the donor needs to communicate that they have read and understand the educational materials provided. Comprehension of this material is required in order to accurately answer subsequent questions of the DHQ.
Please read over the Blood Donor Educational Materials (version 4.0, May 2023) before continuing on in the course.