Scenario Conclusion

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Scenario Conclusion

When the results on Mr. John Ready were called to the nurse, she was very surprised that the result of his CBC was normal. The nurse explained to the laboratory technologist that Mr. John Ready had a known diagnosis of lower GI bleeding. His hemoglobin had been very low for the past 24 hours because of the internal bleeding, and she thought it was very surprising that his hemoglobin had normalized so quickly without having received a blood transfusion. Mr. Ready's doctor decided the patient should be redrawn to ensure a correct result. The nurse further questioned if the phlebotomist could possibly have drawn the wrong patient because earlier that day Mr. Ready had been moved to room 831, and room 825 was presently occupied by a patient named Walter Redding.

If Julie had properly identified the patient by asking him to state his name and then checking the name and identification number on the wristband, she would have realized that the patient in 825 was the wrong patient.