Don't Compromise Your Safety

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Routine Venipuncture. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Don't Compromise Your Safety

An important element of safety is personal protective equipment (PPE). This must be provided to phlebotomists by their facility and may include gloves, lab coats, and protective eyewear.
An N95 respirator (shown in the lower image) or other respiratory protection may be required to protect the phlebotomist from Mycobacterium tuberculosis or other airborne infectious agents. Phlebotomists and other healthcare workers must be medically cleared and fit-tested to wear N95 respirators.
Gloves are required during every phlebotomy procedure. The gloves must remain totally intact. The gloves cannot be altered in any way as to expose the hand or fingers to potential bloodborne pathogens. Never remove all or part of the finger tip of the glove while performing venipuncture.
1. Cartagena, Debora, USCDCP. "Face masks, protection, hygiene, hygienic, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2." Pixnio, 18 April 2020, Accessed 23 July 2021.

N95 masks may be necessary to protect the phlebotomist from respiratory or airborne infectious agents (1).