Push-Button Winged Safety Needles

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Push-Button Winged Safety Needles

The push-button winged safety (butterfly) blood collection device is another popular choice for phlebotomists. This may be chosen for pediatric venipuncture, small delicate veins in adults (particularly geriatric patients), or hand veins. The device can be used with a needle holder and evacuated tube or a syringe. A needle safety device is incorporated into the design of the winged device to prevent accidental needlestick injury.
Patients reported less discomfort during venipuncture procedures while the "butterfly" was used. It has become so popular that many patients even ask for the "butterfly" when they are getting their blood drawn.
Figures 8 and 9. BD Vacutainer® push-button blood collection set images courtesy of ©Becton, Dickinson and Company. Reprinted with permission. https://www.bd.com/en-us/search?query=push-button%20collection

Figure 8. BD Vacutainer® push-button blood collection set 21 gauge
Figure 9. BD Vacutainer® push-button blood collection set 23 gauge